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Fulfilment Pending (fulfilment_pending) webhook
Fulfilment Pending (fulfilment_pending) webhook
Harvey Gil avatar
Written by Harvey Gil
Updated over a week ago

By setting up the "fulfilment_pending" webhook in FirstPromoter, you'll receive notifications when non-monetary commissions are prepared for fulfilment. Non-monetary rewards like credits, free months, etc, rewards enter in fulfilment as soon as they are approved.
In case you have the "Auto-approve rewards" checked for the campaign, the webhook will be fired right after the reward is attributed.

To utilize the 'fulfilment_pending' webhook in FirstPromoter, follow these steps:

  1. How to respond to this webhook call:

  • Respond with status 200 if you fulfilled the reward on your end.

  • Respond with a 2xx status (except 200) to keep the fulfilment marked as pending on FirstPromoter's end.

  • Respond with any other status to indicate an error (FirstPromoter will retry for 7 times during the day).

  1. Data Sent with Webhook Event Payload:


      • id: Webhook event ID.

      • type: Indicates the webhook event type, such as "fulfilment_pending."

      • created_at: Timestamp of when the event occurred.


      • id: Fulfilment object ID.

      • status: Current state of the fulfilment (e.g., "pending").

      • date_paid: Null since the fulfilment is pending.

      • amount: Amount of the reward fulfilled.

      • unit: The reward unit (e.g., "credits", "free_months", "cash").

      • campaign: JSON containing campaign information.

      • promoter: Contains information about the promoter who referred the lead.

        • id: Promoter's ID.

        • cust_id: ID to identify the promoter.

        • auth_token: Authentication token.

        • earnings_balance: JSON containing the total amount of rewards earned.

        • current_balance: JSON containing remaining amounts after payments.

        • paid_balance: JSON containing paid/fulfilled amounts.

        • email: Promoter's email.

        • temp_password: Temporary password generated.

        • profile: JSON containing additional promoter information.

To add a webhook in FirstPromoter, you will need to access your profile on the upper-right corner - "Settings" - "Integrations" tab - "Webhooks" - "Test webhook/Select event" - "+Add new webhook" - Add the desired webhook URL and test it by clicking on "Test webhook" - Save.

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