FirstPromoter offers multiple options for efficiently handling payouts to affiliates. Whether you prefer speed or flexibility, there's a method suited to your needs.
There are 3 ways to pay your affiliates:
One-click (automated payout - the fastest)
After clicking the pay button, payouts will be sent automatically through the API integration with the payout method. You don't have to leave FirstPromoter or mark payouts as paid manually. **It is only supported for PayPal
Externally in bulk
You can pay multiple affiliates by uploading a CSV file to the payment provider. Once payment is sent, you can mark the payouts as paid inside FirstPromoter.
Externally one-by-one
Affiliates can be paid manually one-by-one. Once a payout is completed, you can go back to FirstPromoter and mark it as paid.
How to set the desired payout methods in FirstPromoter
Go to "Payouts" section in the left-side menu;
In the right side of the page, select the edit button near the "Payout Methods" section;
Enable/Disable the desired payout methods and "Save Payout Methods"
Steps to make the payouts
Navigate to "Payouts" > "View and pay" or "View all payouts"
Select desired payouts and click "Pay" from the bottom or click "Pay all"
Select payout method
Select how you want to pay and follow the on-screen steps
Payout methods you can choose:
to pay one-by-one you'll need just a personal PayPal account. Very simple to get started and works with all plans.
to pay in bulk or use our one-click payouts you'll need
FirstPromoter Business plan or higher
Paypal Business account
Paypal has to enable Payouts API for your account
If you have a new PayPal account, it may take a few weeks to get the Payouts API enabled. In the meantime, you can use our 'Pay One-by-One' flow, which should be fast enough. You can mark tens of affiliates as paid in just a few minutes each month after paying them directly through PayPal.
You'll need a Wise Business account
Affiliates need to have a account. However, it's very easy to create a new account and it's totally free.
We are currently working on implementing One-Click Automatic Payouts with Wise. Until then, you will need to make the payment directly in Wise and then mark the payouts as paid inside FirstPromoter
while pay one by one works for any bank, for bulk payouts you need to check with your bank platform
We are currently working on implementing One-Click Automatic Payouts with Wise. Until then, you will need to make the payment directly in Wise and then mark the payouts as paid inside FirstPromoter
the platform you use for making crypto payments might support bulk payments by uploading a CSV file, but this needs to be checked with them first.
How to exclude payouts from the Payouts section
If you do not want payouts for specific promoters to appear on the Next Payouts or Overdue Payouts section, we offer two options to exclude those. You can simply select the desired payouts, and click on Exclude on the bottom menu: