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Moving promoters from one campaign to another
Virgil avatar
Written by Virgil
Updated over 6 years ago

Moving promoters to a different campaigns usually happens when you want to change the commission level, for example moving affiliates from "Basic affiliates campaign" with 20% commission to "VIP affiliates campaign" with 25% commission.

When a promoter is moved from campaign A to campaign B, it will keep the referral ID, referral link and other links they created on the campaign A to campaign B.
Recurring commissions for customers referred on campaign A will remain the same, the new commissions level set on the campaign B will only be enforced for the new customers that will be referred since the switch to campaign B.

How to move the promoters

There are two ways to move the promoters to a different campaign:

  • automatically, by "leveling up" to another campaign when a number of referred customers are reached. More info here.

  • manually:
    - in batch by going to Campaigns > click on the menu icon of the campaign where you want to move the promoters TO > Move promoters (view screenshot).
    - individually by going to promoter's overview page, click on the menu of the campaign you want to move the promoter FROM > select 'Move to campaign' and select the new campaign(view screenshot).

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